December 22nd 2012

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

You’ve just got to stop by Morbærlunden in Kvaglund next Christmas if you’ve got the chance!

I’ve never seen this many christmas lights in one place!

It was dizzyingly crazy, and almost noisy!

But somehow soothingly calm as well!?

But mostly just C R A Z Y!!!!

I decided to stick with a more calm picture, as the spectacle that is Morbærlunden, has to be seen to be believed!

December 16th 2012



This is the last thing I saw, when I was leaving Ulriksdalsvej…

But it was no way a sad day!

Tonight my brother and his family return from their vacation, and it’s actually Ronni’s birthday today!

It’s also Sille’s birthday and before I got on the bus, we went and surprised her…

So here’s a big HAPPY BIRTDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to Ronni and Sille

November 17th 2012

King Of The Kill

King Of The Kill

At least there’s one good thing coming along with the cold of winter:

I don’t leave my windows open all the time!

Why’s that good, you may ask!?

Well… For some reason my neighbour has started smoking on her balcony and guess where all that smoke (or at least some of it) is going…